but we are experiencing technical difficulties.
Im not sure who it hit first, Myself or Jade, but if level of recovery is any bit of evidence, I would say Jade, who today is up and about and happy and getting into things. His nose is a constant pour, mind you - and he still has a bit of a cough... but he at least, just had a regular flu that started with a nasty ear infection, mind you...
Me, well - I had a bad bronchial infection. And the flu. Today, its just the nose and the cough, as with Jade, but my cough is far worse than his still.
Akiva was fine for the first few days, and than that night, started puking *everywhere*. Our bed, the couch, the floor... So the next morning we went to the Dr. He said she would be fine, but Im beginning to think we need another visit. Her cough is like mine, but worse - and of course, her throat hurts. She hurts, so she cries - and of crying makes it hurt worse, so she cries more... Its a *bad* situation. I'll probably wait until tomorrow, and see how she is, and decide wether to go back to the clinic or not.
Tigger, as of yet, is only showing a bit of a stuffed up nose, but I have no doubt that it will hit him soon, and hard. Thats something Im not looking forward to. But at least I will be healthy enough to deal by then!
Things Ive learned -
1) Every household needs a Neti Pot. This little "teapot" is an amazing thing, and has saved me so much agony this go around. If you dont know what a Neti Pot is, its a little mini teapot that you fill with a saline solution. You pour it into one side of your nose, breathing through your mouth, and let the solution flow through and out the other side. Now, I know this sounds beyond bizarre, but after this cold - I am totally hooked.
2) To drop a dress size overnight - get a really bad fever, than go to bed for 8 hours. Make sure you have a foam topped mattress, a heat holding mattress cover, and two duvets. You will wake up with fingers that look like youve spent 5 hours in a bathtub, the bed intirely soaked, the covers intirely soaked, and at least a full dress size down.
Important to note - rehydrate *carefully*
3) Eva is *scary* when she's sick. All of that mad energy turns inward, I think, and she will lay perfectly still and motionless. Even her eyes will stare at a single point and not move. And she wants to be cuddled. With Jade, you would expect this behavior. Its not outside his usual range of being. But with Eva - its *terrifying*. Shes always such a whirlwind of action. Right now she is laying on Tigger's chest, in our bed - unmoving.
Oh yeah, and shes *quiet*.
4) A small prayer of thanks for Canadian Medical care. We are now working on our 3rd visit in one week. Four prescriptions handed out. Each time I waited less than an hour to see a Dr. at a walk in clinic. The last time we were in, after taking my temp, they hustled us in in front of others even. Dr. Took his time with each one of us, explained everything. It makes it so that it isn't scary to go back again. Nice new clinic too.
I think, after I get over this, Im going to see if I can get back into a regular grind, and see about getting my PT Training again. Its alot cheaper than getting my masters - and I'm better as a PT than a Pastor - although the two *really* arent that different!