Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I now have a webcam. Let me know if you want to figure out how *that* works.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Life is not complete until you hear Mr. Lund singing "Over the Rainbow"

Many thanks to NBrooks for her help on making the blog look pretty - but Jacob, if you are still willing to give me a hand, I wont turn it down either!

and for those who really cant get enough -

Theres the camo pants - and the mischievous look

Tigger took this - no explanation needed

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Pics...

Too cute not to take. Blanket made by a Angel (its her fave to sleep on!)

Cant see the camo pants in this shot, but I was so tempted to post with the caption "I shot bambi" - but he looks too harmless and sweet.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Latest Idea....

Tuesday Manning and the Grin Reaper.

Tuesday Manning wakes up on a bright sunny day to find her home besieged by a host of Snife wielding Grumps, led by the terrible Pixie King - Grin Reaper.
Its her job to battle them the best she can before her whole home becomes a dark, bleak place.

I think I have the next scene almost ready for Gold Horizon.
I still dont have a clue where Im going with Kit and Kaboodle, other than I think the little girl is some kind of Druid... or at least *my* idea of a Druid.

My home is starting to look pretty, but I have an empty bookcase stuck on the stairs and I cant move it. And of course, Tigger is sicker than Ive ever seen him - ever.

And I think I may be giving up on WoW entirely. I just - I dont see the point in playing it.