Friday, August 27, 2010

Been a long time

but I guess its time for some picspam.

First of all, a story.

My husband was taking out the trash one evening, and watched a curious event.  He watched as a car squeeled to a stop to aviod hitting something, the driver got out, picked up something from the road, threw it onto our front lawn, got up and left.

C went over to see what it was, already fairly sure that it was a dead cat, or bird.  Something the driver had hit, then threw out of the way.  To his absolute shock and amazement, he found a *very* fast moving turtle.  SO fast moving in fact, that he had trouble catching it.

He brought it inside, and a few hours of fun began.  First of all, we had to find a place to put it.  Eventually, we figured the sand box out back, and set it down in there, where it began to do laps around the perimeter, and repeatedly end up on its back from consistent escape attempts.

After a bit of research, we found a number to call, and got animal services to come out to collect it.  And I continued to do research as to what *kind* Of turtle it was.

Many photos were to follow, and a few pranks given, but over all, I think the turtle was fairly happy about its relocation and temperory home, and I continued to research.

Animal Control was there within a few hours, and they had to admit, it was probably the first time they had been called to pick up a stray *turtle*.

After a little while, I came to the conclusion that it had been a red eared slider.  A particular brand of turtle that is quite common on the west coast, and not "precisely" legal to own, not being native to Canada at all.  They grow to be rather large, and live to a very old age.

So imagine my surprise when Animal Control called me and said they had found it was an entirely different species of turtle... one that *is* common to our region, and - oddly, looks very little like the turtle we rescued.
But - will be far easier to convince to adopt. 

Once again, I am convinced, - that people are idiots.

In other news, little sister went to Disneyland, and picked up Mickey ears for the kids, and we've almost finished our back to school shopping.

I also bought the Halloween costumes, - so watch for the future escapeds of the Romeo Vampire and the Strawberry Fairy. *grins*

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