Saturday, June 14, 2008

Well, its about that time

Ive had time to think on it, and I have to do it.
I have to rant about the new Indiana Jones Movie.

First off, I adored the script. Whoever wrote that deserves some kind of medal. Well spoken and perfectly in character every time. Just the right amount of flashback and old jokes molded with new material and cultural references. Perfect.
What I hated was the plot. Whoever it was who came up with this story needs to have thier head examined, and as for Lucas/Spielburg... well.. let me save *that* rant for another day... it will take too long.
But *please* I know that Jones movies are supposed to stretch the imagination, but they have always been at least loosely *based* on what "could" be done. Surviving a nuclear blast in a fridge and that scene with the monkies? Oh dear *God* save me, please.
And, I *know* that the Mummy Returns was a good movie... but if you are *going* to remake it, than at least steal some of the good parts too, and not just... well....lets see....
1) The guy who wants the cursed treasure dies, even though the hero tries to save him - little regret is shown.
2) The whole place gets sucked up super/para form
3) The restless natives
4) The only thing they get in the end is the kiss.

Theres probably alot more... but... *really*....*shakes head*
ok, and my final problem?
Interdimensional beings?

I suppose it could be argued that religion is fantasy anyways and therefore it fits within the worldview, but when in the past you have twice put a whole lot of effort into explaining that the Christian Worldview is a powerful world force, even giving us that reminding glimpse of the Ark at the beginning... when you have gone into pagan cultures and given us an amazing picture of cults and the power of religious evil...
Why, oh why, with the unbeleivable myth and mystic available to you in the pan-asian, mexican, and thirty other deities on the charts feel the need to explain it in a *SCIENCE*FICTION*METHOD*?!?!?!?!
This wasnt Star Wars - youve already destroyed that. This isnt AI, or any other of your misguided attempts to raise our mental abilities to another level. this was an Indy movie - meant to satisfy the need for a hero amongst the religious middle class idiots.
grrr, argh, fritterfratterbadderdrabber rantrantrant.

My son is now screaming, I have to go and see to him, I have another post yet to do today on another totally differant topic....
but I will be back.

Oh yes, one final post script - whoever the script-writer was - thank you.. thankyou from the bottom of my little overtly critical heart.
I will buy this movie for one reason, and one reason only - to hear the aging captian of the milinnium falcon one last time utter the ageless line "I have a bad feeling about this"


Anonymous said...

I think you can blame Lucas for the plot, and the actual screenwriter for the great dialog. Spielburg can take the blame for the misguided special effects. ;)

And yes, I cheered out loud at the "bad feeling about this" moment. :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, and an aside on the plot itself. It took place during the 50's at the very start of the space race. The 50's was also the heyday of the UFO crazes, Roswell, etc.

I took it as a post-war, totally "mod" retake on Indy. Which of course is retro now, but totally in the style of the cultural 50's.

And the whole mythos with aliens in ancient american and egyptian civilizations has been hashed and rehashed out for decades now.

I was only disappointed because I went in unspoiled and as soon as I saw that it was starting out in the desert southwest USA, in the 50's, I already knew it was going to be about aliens. Too easy this time, Lucas. :p