The first and the last, in particular, seem to suit how *Ive* been feeling lately, at least.
Beautiful work though, on all accounts. I wouldnt mind getting a couple blown up a bit and framed.... something nice and tasteful... for the house. Advertise my little sis a bit )
Ooo. Those are purty. :)
those are my little sis's work... shes an *amazing* photographer who takes most of the good pics of the kids too. The rest of the flower pics can be found on facebook here - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=532214079#/album.php?aid=163852&id=658830104&ref=mf
Im sure she would appreciate some feedback!
yes I would love feedback.. and which pictures would you want most blown up?
*laughs* the three I posted here? and your personal favorate, if it isnt here... please?
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