Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rants # 2875 & 2876

#2875 - Internet Quizzes.
Are we so insecure, and know so little about ourselves that we need a perfect stranger, with crappy reasoning methods, to tell us what kind of cupcake we are?
As of this moment, Im breaking my addiction. The only people in the world who need to know who I am, already do.
And If *I* dont know what kind of mental illness I have, what kind of socks I should be wearing, or What Decepticon I am - Than I either am very dumb, or dont need to know.

#2876 - Summer movies.
Micheal Bay is not doing any more Transformers movies, because he doesnt like the things people say about them. This bothers me.
I do not watch summer blockbusters for the plot. I dont watch them for the philosophy. I do not watch them to think.
If Im going to shell out good money in July, to go and see a movie, I want it to be full of pretty people doing stupid things - perferably with lots of explosions and fighting. If they can work swords into the equation, I am beyond pleased.

Transformers is a movie about talking robots who want to take over the earth. If you want anything philosophical, or deep out of that, than you need to go take a few more internet quizzes, k?


Lynnie Ha said...

BA HA ha!!!! take THAT!!! *whips out sword* :D

Creatorschilde said...

Have at thee, my shaggey haired friend! My cutlass shall dance with your rapier!

Anonymous said...

Is there a swordfight going on over here?

*pulls out sword*

Dodge! Thrust! Parry! Spin! HA!