Friday, October 16, 2009


ok, I know life sucks, ok. I know that there is never enough money, that your jobs suck, your lack of jobs suck, your family leeches the very soul from your beings and that your very bones ache.
I know the economy bites, I know that theres nothing good to watch, read, or eat.
I know everyone is out to get somebody.

So you know what? Shut the hell up.

Im tired of it, ok? Im tired of being the only person who doest agree.
Im sorry if I look out the window and see beauty, and not just slippery roads.
Im sorry if you see a huge car repair bill, and I see problems caught before they get worse.
Im sorry if you see pain in the ass cats, and I see companions for our kids.
Im sorry if you see pirates, and I see challenges to make you stronger.
Im sorry if you see everything bad, and sick and wrong in the world - but I *choose* to see things that are astounding, and amazing, and wonderful.

Its not easy, you know, and just once, Id like to see someone see something *good*.
say something good.
enjoy something.

Be thankful for what you have.
You - all of you - have *so* much!
You have homes, and food, and people who love you.
You have skills and gifts and chances to use them.
You have toys and games to entertain you, you have time to spare.
You can move and breathe and see.

Enjoy life. You can do it - *if* you want to.
And if you dont want to, if you want to be miserable, grumpy, whining complainers who grow old and bitter and angry?

Dont take it out on me.
Its your own god. damned. fault.

PS - remember, *im* the one whos supposed to be the manic depressive psycho, not you, and you, and you, and You!


Lynnie Ha said...

and me!!! hahahahahhahahah...........

Angelia Sparrow said...

No, the pirates and hackers are NOT our own godsbedamned faults! There are always going to be assholes who think it's funny to disrupt people's lives, or to steal people's work.

They are not a challenge, just a nuisance. They are the mosquitos of our lives and we swat them.

At the moment, life is pretty good. OK, I've a cold coming on, but I'll live. I passed my class and sucessfully challenged for the next one. I got paid, have a shiny new cover for my book and had an amazing weekend.

See, El knew what he was doing when he did NOT make the 10th Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Whine."

Creatorschilde said...

and as usual, Angel, you missed the point - completely. But thank you for the illustration.

Lynnie Ha said...

"Im tired of it, ok? Im tired of being the only person who doest agree."

you are not the only person, hun. i feel the same way. it's tiring and very frustrating to be a see-God's-glory/beauty/purpose-in-everything person, when everyone else isn't. *almost* everyone isn't. now i know i'm not alone. :)

Creatorschilde said...

Thanks Clover. You and I usually are on the same wavelength, though. To this day, you are still the only person I know who likes dancing in the pouring rain - for *real*. Other than me.

Angelia Sparrow said...

I get your point: look on the bright side. I don't believe in a purpose or blessing in everything.

I do agree more people could be upbeat. But many of us use our blogs as places to vent about the things we can't say to everyone in real life because we're all socially required to be upbeat and artifically cheery.

I used to have a meditation on my blog called "Of the Day's Annoyances, These." I used it on days when Murphy mocked me and Loki laughed.

It wasn't just a catalogue of all the little nuisances I had gotten. It was a reminder that MOST of the nuisances are little ones and that anger is not an appropriate response to such little things. Anger is an appropriate response to larger, important things.

Yeah, it's always something. But if we can't spout off in our own space, where can we?