Wednesday, November 3, 2010

blahblahrant - part 4

Yeah, I know - its - confusing, out there.

No, I dont - hate the church, but no, I dont attend one, either.
Fellowship? Well, were having that right now, arent we?

Oh, I see - its not *in* a church, so it doesnt count?

Lets take a look at that claim, shall we?

See - when Christ rose from the dead, He did something rather miraculous.  He ripped the cloak in two. 
And you have *no* idea what Im talking about, do you? Of course not.  They dont like talking about this.

You see, in the Temple, in Jerusalem, there was - a sheet.  It separated the Holy of Holies, where only the High Priest could go, and enter the very presence of God, from the rest of the synagogue.  This was - a big deal.  To go behind that sheet, they had to do a series of purification rituals, and prayers, and then, they had to have a bell, tied to their ankle.  and a rope.

The rope was so that if God struck the Priest dead, they could drag him back out.  If the bells stopped jingling... they knew he was dead.  And it was a real fear.  More then once, God had done people in, just for daring to come into His presence, who wasnt prepared.

But when Christ rose from the dead, the sheet tore in two, right down them middle.  The "Glory" had left the Temple.  God could no longer be contained, within four walls.  When Christ rose, He chose instead, to dwell *in* us - in our hearts.  In our Spirits, in our souls - however you want to look at it, the importance here is that *God*cannot*be*contained*.

Not in *any* building.

This is why we are to take care of our bodies.  This is why jamming them with nicotine, alcohol, trans fat, preservatives, and all sorts of chemical goodness is an issue.

Yes, I smoke.  Yes, I drink.  Yes, I smoke pot.  Im not perfect - Ive never claimed to be.  And thankfully, God doesnt expect us to be.  He loves us even when we destroy the temple He now lives in...
do I believe Satan is behind that? - oh hells yes... just ask *any* addict.

but today, we arent talking about that.  We are talking about - "church".

Now, biblically, the church *is* the people.  Its not about a building.  The church, His bride - is all of us who believe.  And any time two or more of us get together - That's fellowship - that is a gathering of believers, brought together.  Now, believers can get together, and *not* have "fellowship" - and that - that sucks.  Trust me, Ive been there.  You sit and you talk about - nothing that matters, and each one of you leaves, kinda - feeling like the day could have been better.

But Ive also been in groups - where not even everybody there, was a believer, and the topic changes, and suddenly - you *feel* it.  The air just gets charged, and the hair on the back of your neck stands up and cant help but Praise, or sing, or worship outright...
And this is when Ive seen lives *changed*.  More then in a "service" with a pastor... just a group of friends, joining together. 

If you havent had the chance to experience this yet, then I feel for you.  And I hope you do get to this.  And yes, you can even have this, all alone... just you, and your computer, or your bible, or alone washing dishes and suddenly, you *know* that you are loved, and that He is there with you.  And it just, makes everything else shrink into insignificance, just for that moment.

Youve had that experience at church? Awesome.  I have too.  Its a good place for it.  It is after all, a directed gathering of the saints.  It *should* happen there. 

So why dont *I* go to church?
Good Question.

First of all, its - the buildings.  Multi-million dollar structures meant to impress and show off.  They have gyms and dinner theaters and fire side rooms and day cares....and no - its not *bad*.
But its not...It makes a simple truth into a spectacle.  And God doesnt do parlor tricks.

Secondly - its the - red tape and ----- hierarchical structure? I suppose?  Pastors are turned into little Kings, in their castles.  With a board, or.. senate, under them.  It gets ugly.  And very little gets done thats focus is on - "what can we do to Serve in the name of Christ, today"
Also, people who *dont* have a doctorate, are often pushed aside - unable to lead, or even have a voice.

And Christ meant for *all* of us to be His emissaries, His priests.  But pastors dont want that.  They just want a flock to tend, and to keep them there.  Paying thier dues and lip syncing the songs they choose.  Yes, Im bitter.  Ill admit to that.

Why? because my dear, when a pastor discovers you have skills - they will use them. and abuse them.  And when you burn out, they wont even care.  More then one church has eaten me alive and spit me out.  yes, thats exactly what they did. 

But I do make a distinction, between those organizations, and the *Church* - who is a beautiful, and amazing thing.  Even as deluded, and mistaken, and as torn apart as She is...  She is - His Bride.

But untill I can find a building, that houses the saints....  that doesnt care about making the money - but honors the Jewish roots of our faith, and doesnt care about race, or job status, or sexual preference - but lets God deal with each one, on *His* time table, not theirs....  who demands that their people grow in grace, and peace, and in spirit, as leaders - individually, and as a whole?  Who doesnt allow a - out of control - experience to squelch the integrity, of the Spirit of God...

Im asking too much?
I thought so.
But thats why *I* dont go to church.

But Im *alll* about the fellowship.
Worship, Fellowship, and Discipline.

Because its *all* God asks of us.

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