And my Player revolts and refuses to play the last few disks.
After i have the biggest fit in the world, I calm down and say to myself "Its ok, its temporary - hey you can watch them on your Computer even if you wanted to - for now, lets watch something else...."
So I put in the Pianist. Adrian Brody, suffering and social commentary - nice change of pace...
then what to my wondering eyes do appear... but Silas? and Kronos... oh yes... I had *forgotten* that Valentine was in the movie - but until today I never even *realized* that my adorable troglidyte Silas was in there too!
Brody's nose is a passable for Methos....
too bad there wasnt a Caspain in sight, or my day would have totally complete!
and for all those out there who tune in here and dont have a clue what I was just rambling about....

Apropos of nothing you posted, check out Adina's cover!
LOL well my dear prince caspian was amazing... but sadly I forget too much of the book to know if it followed it well.. I shall be putting all the narnia books on my to read again list ...
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