Sunday, May 25, 2008

Two things...

I have learned a thing about fear tonight, as when I was feeding Jade his night time bottle, my doorbell rang and I was faced with a couple of complete strangers holding my daughter. She had managed to push open the front screen door on her own and wander out into the parking lot, where these good Samaritans tracked her down and returned her to me. Several hours later, Ive just now stopped shaking and no longer feel on the verge of hysterics.

In a totally other end of tangent... there is something deeply wrong about about a Nightelf named Gigabyte. A gnome, maybe, but an **Elf**?!?!? - oh *hell* no!


Angelia Sparrow said...

Could have been worse.

She could have been naked, like Dollface was when we had that incident.

Anonymous said...

Tell Eva that if she plans on leaving home again, Nana has a backpack for her to use. Otherwise, forgetting her toothbrush is just bad planning.