There we go - Eva on halloween. We saw only one other bumblebee, so we counted it a sucess, even if she did, as shown above, sit down on her way out of ever store and attempt a temper tantrum. The good news - she *refuses* to take candy from strangers!!
Jade adores Dexter, the only kitty who will allow for his style of rather aggressive affection without running away. He does *try* to "pet nice" but with the limited attention span he soon forgets and just grabs. He was a Skeleton for halloween, and far better behaved than his sister. Although, he didnt quite know what to think of the mice of Doom!
Max has gone from 5 pounds to 10 pounds in a month. Adorable little destrocto-mutt. We've nicknamed him "Taz" truely a furry, tan coloured tornado of destruction and mess. I adore him, but He cant seem to figure out what hes allowed to chew on and what he isnt, and he's *soooo* hyper... but hes fun, and the kids have already discovered the joys of tug-of-war and fetch. So much more fun when you're two!
the bee costume is perfect she looks so so so cute!!!!!!!!!
and Jade ohhh my goodness!!!!! GAH I cannot wait to come and take them out when I move back home!!!!!!!
*gasp* A bumblebee! That is a flippin' adorable costume.
And Max looks like a Taz. Puppies are sooo naughty. And he looks like he has a devil inside him. ;)
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