paraphrased by yours truely.
(forgive spelling mistakes this morning, please - Im not wearing my glasses this morning, and cant see!)
Apostles - "Christianity is a sect of Judiasm"
People - "We dont wanna get circumsized - ouch!"
Apostles - "Yeah, ok, we get that. Well, you cant get into the temple without it, but you can still worship in the courtyard of the synagog, so we will let it slide."
People - "We dont wanna keep kosher"
Apostles - "Grrrrr"
God - "Spirit, not law - you're getting into asia now folks....let the pig thing slide."
Apostles - "Fine.... just aviod... well.. lets say - fornication, strangled food, idols... oh yeah, and drinking blood. But you cant be jews."
People - "yay! no law!"
Apostles "Headdesk"
There really is no way around the fact that Christ *was* a Jew. In everything that it implies. He no doubt was circumsized, celebrated the festival of lights, passover, purim.... and honestly - well - they arent secular holidays. In my mind, Christmas is far more a pagan festival merchandised to the masses. Easter - same thing. I am far more tolerant of those who wish to touch those pagan roots than those who gnash thier teeth trying to make these days about Christ, when Christ himself had other ideas.
In my rather bent and damaged way of thinking though...well - look at it this way -
I love God. He is the only addiction I have that I *want*.
There is a slippery slope, in the thinking "spirit, not letter". It can allow you to get away with *alot*. All too often, its just simply that we dont *want* to follow the rules, we dont want to sacrifice, we dont *want* to change, or be differant from the world around us. We make excuses, and its really easy to let them slide.
Now - I firmly beleive that a persons own relationship with God is just that - thier own. And I dont mean to butt my head into anybody elses. I write here to clarify my own thoughts, to get things down so I can look at them later on, and see where my head was at. What you do - well thats between you and Him - not me. But for me...
theres too much in my head right now - spinning in circles. We are divine beings, priests, ambassadors, not from this world. We arent meant to fit in, and to me, if you ..well - really - other than terminology, what *is* the differance between worship - real worship - and addiction. Addictions define us, our social circles, It tells us where to speand our money, our time, our energy.
I want my only addiction to be YHWH.
Addictions change your life. Its inevitable. Go talk to the drug addict who was once a surburban housewife - they are out there. Go ask the homeless man who used to be a banker. THey are not just movie plot devices. Look at the people in our society now, losing thier jobs and spouses because they play WoW or some other MMORPG.
These people, well - even God understood way back than, that people *could* follow Him and not keep to the Jewish letter of the law. But I think, in the end, He also knew that if passion for Him grew, that they would *want* to make those changes. And I find it ironic that in a world where "extreme" has become such a byword, that in our churches we are more and more simply saying "Come as you are - you dont need to change one bit - God loves you just as you are" Which is *true** - Oh it is. And we make the mistake of thinking that change will make God love us more - it *wont*. There is nothing I could do to make Him love me more than he already does. But its my love for Him that makes me want to change.
Its the addiction.
And lets face facts. Im not in a church right now for a very good reason. I dont agree with them.
They foster hate and hurt and mediocrity. They breed a lack of passion and growth that amounts in my mind to malignancy.
In a typical church setting - I am more than a freak.
I am an addict.
*giggles madly* and just like Dexter realized he needed his addiction to survive. TO be who he was and to be able to breathe. So I need mine.
There is no 12 step program for a serial killer.
There is no 12 step program to take you *away* from YHWH
And if bible collage didnt deprogram me, if the hypocrasy of the church couldnt drive me away...
oh - so much more to come.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Conversations to have.
So - you are a christian? - "yes"
So - You wanna be like Jesus? - "yes"
So - you're a Jew? - "no!"
Make up your mind.
In other news... Tigger, in redoing the kitchen cut a wire to the phone line yesterday - killing my internet unknowingly until this morning when he fixed it.
It appears that God actually cares wether you get your snack food or not.
Car tires can pop off in 35 below.
My sister can decorate christmas trees far better than I can.
I made a dangerous statement yesterday, and after a great deal of thought, both my husband and I sticking by it.
"I want to live long enough to see my life destroyed because I love Jesus."
or at least, Im willing to do it.
Im hoping, that sometime *before* Christmas, Ill get my christmas presents and cards out - but dont count on it.
So - You wanna be like Jesus? - "yes"
So - you're a Jew? - "no!"
Make up your mind.
In other news... Tigger, in redoing the kitchen cut a wire to the phone line yesterday - killing my internet unknowingly until this morning when he fixed it.
It appears that God actually cares wether you get your snack food or not.
Car tires can pop off in 35 below.
My sister can decorate christmas trees far better than I can.
I made a dangerous statement yesterday, and after a great deal of thought, both my husband and I sticking by it.
"I want to live long enough to see my life destroyed because I love Jesus."
or at least, Im willing to do it.
Im hoping, that sometime *before* Christmas, Ill get my christmas presents and cards out - but dont count on it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
My darling sweet
sister posted a weblong thing the other day - entitled "16 things".
I had to seriously give this a thought, and I decided to handle it this way.
16 words.
1) Love. Nothing without love. It is worth living for, worth dying for. It is all in all that is asked of us and if we are not consumed by it above all other things, than we are not people, but merely animals who obay impulse and drives.
2) Worship. The most beautiful expression of love to the One who deserves more than anything else. Worship can be impressed, like a signature or a mold on anything we do. It is the imprint, the seal, the press in any action, deed, or lifestyle.
3) Fellowship. The communion of two or more people in any way that will eventually bring about the properties of active worship. If your experiances with other people do not bring you to a point where you can worship, wether in sorrow or in joy or even in just simple quiet majesty, than check first your own heart and its motivations, than theirs.
4) Dicipline. This is not a bad word, and it does not mean punishment. It simply means that you have givin yourself over to be constant and dedicated in the way you live. It is one of the three things that God asks of us. To be diciplined enough to simply do the work He sets in front of us each day, and do it. Worshipfully and with joy. This is the hardest, and the most meaningful, and it will bring peace to your life.
5) Peace. In as much as it is dependent on you - live at peace with all men. It is not your job to judge them, only to live side by side with them and show them the Way that things *might* be. It is wrapped in love and infused by worship. It means that you allow thier actions and thier lifestyles to be simply between them and God, and keep your own nose clean of it.
6)Time. It is all we have to give. It is the most important gift. The gift of our time to a friend, to a child, to a task. It is not redeemable, it is precious, and it is our *only* unlimited resource.
7) Immortality. Each one of us has it in our hearts because it is what we are. Each and every one of us will indeed live forever. I adore yoda - He had it so right... "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter" The simplicity of it, the ease in which we long for it and and grasp at it.
8) Nobility. The fact that we *are* more than mere animals. We have an ability to rise above everything around us and be *more*. We can be honorable, we can be just. We can protect and nurture and stand when everything around us is falling to peices.
9) Home. This earth is so very temporary. This is just a prequal, a camping trip. This earht is not our home. And just as people on a camping trip are, we will find that we dont have everything that we need here and now, and indeed, its *impossible* to have it. To seek it is to seek insanity. We make do, and look forward to when we *are* home.
10) Ambassadors. Not only are we camping in a strange and forign land where we dont speak the language, dont agree with the values or mores, but we are ambassadors of our country to it. We are more than examples. We are the nobility sent forth into the land to gather people to our own cause and our own country. To attemtp to "fit in" here is also insanity - and whats more - its traitorious.
11) Judiasm. I can not phrase this more simply. Christ was a jew. We are told to be like Christ. what more do you want?
12) Christ. you knew I had to get there eventually - now didnt you?
13) Inspiration. Use everything you can in this world to tie it back. Think of the Silver Chair. The lamp - bigger and warmer is the sun. The cat, bigger and more terrifying is the Lion. and so is Batman a picture of nobility and justice. And so is the worship of teams and power plays and example of idolatry.
14) Wisdom. Seek it, use it. It is the ability to understand, not just with your head, but your heart and to impliment it later. It will save your life and the lives of those around you.
15) Addiction. We cannot get through life without at least one - just choose it carefully.
16) BUNNYRABBIT! Because one cannot be serious all the time.
I had to seriously give this a thought, and I decided to handle it this way.
16 words.
1) Love. Nothing without love. It is worth living for, worth dying for. It is all in all that is asked of us and if we are not consumed by it above all other things, than we are not people, but merely animals who obay impulse and drives.
2) Worship. The most beautiful expression of love to the One who deserves more than anything else. Worship can be impressed, like a signature or a mold on anything we do. It is the imprint, the seal, the press in any action, deed, or lifestyle.
3) Fellowship. The communion of two or more people in any way that will eventually bring about the properties of active worship. If your experiances with other people do not bring you to a point where you can worship, wether in sorrow or in joy or even in just simple quiet majesty, than check first your own heart and its motivations, than theirs.
4) Dicipline. This is not a bad word, and it does not mean punishment. It simply means that you have givin yourself over to be constant and dedicated in the way you live. It is one of the three things that God asks of us. To be diciplined enough to simply do the work He sets in front of us each day, and do it. Worshipfully and with joy. This is the hardest, and the most meaningful, and it will bring peace to your life.
5) Peace. In as much as it is dependent on you - live at peace with all men. It is not your job to judge them, only to live side by side with them and show them the Way that things *might* be. It is wrapped in love and infused by worship. It means that you allow thier actions and thier lifestyles to be simply between them and God, and keep your own nose clean of it.
6)Time. It is all we have to give. It is the most important gift. The gift of our time to a friend, to a child, to a task. It is not redeemable, it is precious, and it is our *only* unlimited resource.
7) Immortality. Each one of us has it in our hearts because it is what we are. Each and every one of us will indeed live forever. I adore yoda - He had it so right... "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter" The simplicity of it, the ease in which we long for it and and grasp at it.
8) Nobility. The fact that we *are* more than mere animals. We have an ability to rise above everything around us and be *more*. We can be honorable, we can be just. We can protect and nurture and stand when everything around us is falling to peices.
9) Home. This earth is so very temporary. This is just a prequal, a camping trip. This earht is not our home. And just as people on a camping trip are, we will find that we dont have everything that we need here and now, and indeed, its *impossible* to have it. To seek it is to seek insanity. We make do, and look forward to when we *are* home.
10) Ambassadors. Not only are we camping in a strange and forign land where we dont speak the language, dont agree with the values or mores, but we are ambassadors of our country to it. We are more than examples. We are the nobility sent forth into the land to gather people to our own cause and our own country. To attemtp to "fit in" here is also insanity - and whats more - its traitorious.
11) Judiasm. I can not phrase this more simply. Christ was a jew. We are told to be like Christ. what more do you want?
12) Christ. you knew I had to get there eventually - now didnt you?
13) Inspiration. Use everything you can in this world to tie it back. Think of the Silver Chair. The lamp - bigger and warmer is the sun. The cat, bigger and more terrifying is the Lion. and so is Batman a picture of nobility and justice. And so is the worship of teams and power plays and example of idolatry.
14) Wisdom. Seek it, use it. It is the ability to understand, not just with your head, but your heart and to impliment it later. It will save your life and the lives of those around you.
15) Addiction. We cannot get through life without at least one - just choose it carefully.
16) BUNNYRABBIT! Because one cannot be serious all the time.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pic of the day....
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I love my duck!
and mommy thinks shes going crazy
I love my duck
you just cant reason with this guy
because I love my duck
and let the kingdome run amuck
because I love my duck!
Stuck in my head. Thank you veggietales.
Akiva calls popcorn "hockey". We have no idea why.
Jade still insists on biting his cheerios in half.
and here is the really bad pic of the day -
as usual, any edits or fixing Ive done on it is posted at fb and lj.
I love my duck
you just cant reason with this guy
because I love my duck
and let the kingdome run amuck
because I love my duck!
Stuck in my head. Thank you veggietales.
Akiva calls popcorn "hockey". We have no idea why.
Jade still insists on biting his cheerios in half.
and here is the really bad pic of the day -

Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Photos.
Last night, the tigger and I spent several hours in Sears, getting family photos done. In the essence of the economy, and the fact that every other person in the world seems to celebrate Christas, even though we would perfer not to, we are sending these photos out as our presents this year.
Of course, we bought the disk of every photo took, so I already have said Christmas photos on my computer, and I have to share. But since more than a few of you who actually read this blog will be getting said "presents" I have decided *not* to post the best ones until after Christmas, and simply post a couple of the "rejects" here each day until Im pretty sure the most of you have the "real deal" in your possesions.
If you all like some of what Ive posted, than feel free to take them and do whatever you wish with them (Im sure they will make great dartboards!)
Things I learned last night...
1) Tigger really looks like he might be honestly smiling when hes ready to strangle someone.
2) I looks fat no matter how I hold my chin.
3) Eva *is* a diva - but being 2, she cant control yet *quite* when the temper tantrums come - even if its detrimental to her.
4)My "funny looking" little boy is bloody Brad Pitt when you get him in front of a camera...He didnt take a single bad pic. And was so easy going about it all we didnt want to take him from *being* in front of it.
5) not that anyone *really* cares - I can intirely fit into my pre-pregnancy "sexy" jeans - except for a half inch around the middle where I still have too much baby weight.
So - on to a couple of the pics....
ahhhh, my darling daughter....isnt she precious. This may well be the worst picture ever taken of her. She *really* didnt like the experiance, although she did like the photographer.
On the other hand, yes, this is the *worst* picture Jade took. He looks so sweet and cuddly in it I just want to pick him up and chew on him.
Of course, we bought the disk of every photo took, so I already have said Christmas photos on my computer, and I have to share. But since more than a few of you who actually read this blog will be getting said "presents" I have decided *not* to post the best ones until after Christmas, and simply post a couple of the "rejects" here each day until Im pretty sure the most of you have the "real deal" in your possesions.
If you all like some of what Ive posted, than feel free to take them and do whatever you wish with them (Im sure they will make great dartboards!)
Things I learned last night...
1) Tigger really looks like he might be honestly smiling when hes ready to strangle someone.
2) I looks fat no matter how I hold my chin.
3) Eva *is* a diva - but being 2, she cant control yet *quite* when the temper tantrums come - even if its detrimental to her.
4)My "funny looking" little boy is bloody Brad Pitt when you get him in front of a camera...He didnt take a single bad pic. And was so easy going about it all we didnt want to take him from *being* in front of it.
5) not that anyone *really* cares - I can intirely fit into my pre-pregnancy "sexy" jeans - except for a half inch around the middle where I still have too much baby weight.
So - on to a couple of the pics....

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