Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Photos.

Last night, the tigger and I spent several hours in Sears, getting family photos done. In the essence of the economy, and the fact that every other person in the world seems to celebrate Christas, even though we would perfer not to, we are sending these photos out as our presents this year.

Of course, we bought the disk of every photo took, so I already have said Christmas photos on my computer, and I have to share. But since more than a few of you who actually read this blog will be getting said "presents" I have decided *not* to post the best ones until after Christmas, and simply post a couple of the "rejects" here each day until Im pretty sure the most of you have the "real deal" in your possesions.

If you all like some of what Ive posted, than feel free to take them and do whatever you wish with them (Im sure they will make great dartboards!)

Things I learned last night...
1) Tigger really looks like he might be honestly smiling when hes ready to strangle someone.
2) I looks fat no matter how I hold my chin.
3) Eva *is* a diva - but being 2, she cant control yet *quite* when the temper tantrums come - even if its detrimental to her.
4)My "funny looking" little boy is bloody Brad Pitt when you get him in front of a camera...He didnt take a single bad pic. And was so easy going about it all we didnt want to take him from *being* in front of it.
5) not that anyone *really* cares - I can intirely fit into my pre-pregnancy "sexy" jeans - except for a half inch around the middle where I still have too much baby weight.

So - on to a couple of the pics....ahhhh, my darling daughter....isnt she precious. This may well be the worst picture ever taken of her. She *really* didnt like the experiance, although she did like the photographer.On the other hand, yes, this is the *worst* picture Jade took. He looks so sweet and cuddly in it I just want to pick him up and chew on him.

1 comment:

Apryl said...

which sears? and who was the photographer???

and I cannot wait to see the kids!!!!!!