Thursday, January 29, 2009

1. Write your 11 most memorable moments
2. Tag 11 of your friends who haven't already responded.
3. Enjoy the stories.

My 11:

I think alot of these will be depressing - sorry...

1) The day my grandmother found out my mom was dead. I was 6 years old, and I remember the scream she gave. It was horrible. Bryan and I were in the next room, not knowing what was going on.

2) Being stoned on children s aspirin in Montreal on my birthday. Watching the dolls dancing and than stabbing each other.

3) The snowstorm mom and I drove through on her way to the cancer clinic for the first time. I sat there and made space ship noises because the snowflakes were so big they looked like meteors flying towards us in SW. We eventually found a motel and got in safely - I read garfeild comics all night.

4) The first time I stole out of my parents liquer cabinet. I took a whole bottle of vodka to school with me.

5) The first time I stole money from the Trailer Court. Just to buy junkfood for my friends.

6) The day my grandmother died. The whole - thing... The bible study, needing to go out for a smoke, Dave arguing with me. Going out anyways, waiting to come back in, hearing his phone ringing and ringing and knowing what it was about, but being afraid to answer it. Chris-ann wanting to make a phone call, and Dave saying "You can use my phone if it isnt ringing" Her coming to tell him that its his wife, and important. Him calling me into his office and asking me to sit, which I wouldnt - him telling me. Me lighting up a smoke in the church hallway, not caring. Him driving me out to the house, buyign me smokes... Him staying with my family so late, until the body had been takin out of the house.

7) Laying on Clovers bed in her uncles house, crying, listening to "Patience" over and over and over. Hating my parents.

8)My wedding. The smile on Tiggers face.

9) Finding out Grandma Johnson was dead.

10) The day my parents left town. Dad called me the morning of, to let me know they were moving. We had no other warning. The motorhome passed my bus as it was leaving town, and I was coming in. Going to Clovers instead of school, her mother not knowing what to do with me. Running into my sister uptown, and her putting a fist through a wall when she found out why I wasnt in school.

11) Star's first visit here. Getting her ears peirced. The trip to Jasper. The trip to banff. The cat on the roof of the car and the two stripping Jewish boys. Writing in the CN tower and sharing Bucklys in the rain.

and I have to add 12 -
My babies. The hours of labour and what it was like to hold them for the first time.