Day in the life posts, usually arent my thing, but tonight.. yeah...
Today at 3, we had to take Eva to the Dr.
You see, for a three yr old, her speech is - slow. You cannot have a conversation with her. She wont talk to you. Its not that she *cant* talk - she copies the words from Nemo, Shrek, Ice Age, and The little mermaid just fine. She can imitate what you say, if she feels like it, perfectly.
But she wont talk to you.
Its taken us a full year, just to get her to say "Milk Please".
So today, she saw the Pediatrician, who spent a good half hour with her and her brother.
His reaction, was to schedule her to see/get - a hearing test. A Speech Pathologist, and a "clinic" on Autism. This is because of her insane habit of organizing everything, rather then "playing" with things. And yes, her speech impairment.
He also scheduled her for blood and urine tests.
Now, for those who havent had to take a young child for a blood test, or those who havent been there for a while - let me explain the procedure to you.
One parent, or a nurse, lays next to the child on a "bed" in the room. The childs legs are then trapped between your own, and you keep thier far arm imobalized. (that was me)
THe other parent, or a nurse, then grabs the free arm, and holds it still. (This was Tigger)
The lead nurse, then pushes the needle into the childs arm, and extracts the blood sample.
Now, Eva, apparently, took this like a Trooper. She cried, but did not struggle, or fight us in any way. If this had to be done, then she would let it happen, but she *was* going to complain about it - loudly.
After the nurse was done, and handed her the Finding Nemo stickers, I almost cried when she *thanked* the nurse.
Even the nurse was a bit surprised.
Oh - I forgot to mention, and thank... in the waiting room, there were two gentlemen. One didnt talk to us, but looked amused. The other, oh God, thank you for sending him. We had to wait over an hour, to get in - the dr was running behind - a bit normal, Im sure, for a man who CNN has featured as a top leading pediatrician in his field.
The one gentleman was a train conductor for Fort Edmonton Park. He read to Jade, helped us keep him busy during the wait, and even hugged Eva. He looked alot like Grandpa, who they havent seen since before Christmas, due to the Whipple surgery.
And then there was the lady with the 6month old, who discovered that her little girl had an instant love of Eva. And Eva, in return, adored the baby. It was hard to drag them apart, when it was time to see the Dr.
So we saw the Dr., then had the blood tests done.
Then mommy, who only wanted a strong shot of scotch, went off to do errands.
Now, an interesting fact.
Nowhere, in the North end of edmonton, can you find plastic tablecloths. I went to three big box stores, and finally, to Zellers, and still ended up buying cloth. And now with Jade moved from highchair to booster seat, beside his sister, you can all imagine how much *that* thrills me.
Nor, can you find any season of Lost, on DVD. Blu-Ray, yes. DVD, not a freaking chance.
I did manage to get my hair cut, all the while dealing with a hairdresser who loudly chewed gum in my ear, and sucked at scalp massage. Which I *really* needed after the clinic.
The bookstore I went to had two sales girls in it that had neither heard of Oscar Wilde, nor of Dorian Grey.
Safeway only had two tills open, and line ups 8 people deep at both. and of course, I was in my "silly" shoes, because if I dont wear hiking styled boots, this is all I have. remnents of my non-parenting, non "fat" days.
Tommy Hillfiger didnt have a single pair of sweatpants in - for men or women.
The only friend I ran into, from back at the Club, was my yoga instructor, whos husband is out of work. It made me feel very very guilty, because he has seniority over my husband, as they both work for the same company. Tigger, has plenty of work, on the other hand. I felt very badly for her, particularly after her son, married less then a year, is already entangled in a horrid divorce.
Now, I dont know about where you live, but weve had more than a foot of snow this winter. And in the last few days, its been hovering a little above zero - which means sludge.
Sludge plus parking lot, plus heavily loaded cart, equal disaster, particularly when combined with high heels.
Enter man in ugly old pick up, who bears a bit of resemblance to Viggo Mortenstien (wow, can we say brian fart, I had to look that up! *laughs*) Who pulled over, and actually pulled my cart to my car for me. ((Look! Chivalry isnt dead!))
((Or maybe it was just an older, smellier version of Strider, who knows))
SO - all in all, a frustrating, yet filled with rare blessings, of an evening.
Much longer than I wanted, more accomplished then should have been in the time allowed. And - yes, continual reminders that my God loves me, watches over me, and has the strangest sense of humour *ever*.
and now that Im home, groceries put away, hard liquer imbibed... Im going to bed.
Tomorrow, I have an appt. with the Psychologist.
yay, oh yay....
maybe Ill let you all know how *that* goes.
maybe I wont.
But I do hope that you can spot the blessings in your day, jsut like I did... and let them overshadow the dark patches too.