Monday, January 18, 2010

Growing stupidity....

OK, Ill admit it. *hangs head in shame* I enter Readers Digest Sweepstakes.
I even *gasp* get a little excited about the prospect.

I look at it this way - for the price of a stamp, I at least stand a chance. And its cheaper then playing 649 - and better chances of winning too.

Today, we send in yet another letter, with fingers crossed.

So, I looked up on line, just to see what those chances are... And what I found, totally shocked me.

Now - Readers Digest is a business, just like any other. Their goal is to make money, not give it away. So of course, with their sweepstakes comes along massive amounts of mail to *buy* things.
You dont have to buy anything, to win. Thats pretty obvious. And of course, the lingo is all marketing technique and advertising
"Youve *already won*
Enter now, and this is yours"

But apparently, not everybody feels the same way.
Apparently, people all over the world buy thousands of dollars worth of this merchandise, expecting it will help their chances of winning.
Apparently, the "fine print" - which is just that, fine print, is too small for people to read, so they dont. They just buy and buy and buy - and expect to win because they are buying.
Apparently, people have even tried to cash their fake checks that they send.

*scratches head*

In the States, *so* many people were "falling for thier slick advertising campaigns" That the government forced them to include a letter, explaining that they didnt have to buy to win, and what thier chances of winning actually were - blahblahblah - to protect thier people...

Can someone tell me... please....
what happened to "buyer beware"?

or even better...

In a country *run* on consumerism - why the government is spending massive amounts of money, backing a 6 million dollar lawsuit, against Readers Digest for "phony claims"?

Its called *advertising" and if thats the case, then Molson, and Budweiser, and Crest - had all better pony up the dough...

Me - Id like to believe that people are more intelligent than this.
That people actually have some understanding of the way the world around them works.
And all those people, who dont approve of the "communist" ideals of Free Health Care, and providing needs for those who cant afford them, would all sit back and realize, that it was that mindset, that they just fell prey to, themselves.
Yes, the Universe *does* kick back, occasionally, after youve spent a lifetime kicking it.
Get used to it.


Excuse my while I go spend 37.. umm 41... whatever.. less than a dollar, to go and win 500 grand.
I doubt Ill win.
But the excitement while I wait is worth the few pennies.

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