Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan3 - Time for a rant....

Oh where to start?

--Its not war, its genocide.
There is no army amassed against us, just frightened people, fighting on their own land, for their own freedoms. Yes, 9/11 was terrible. But that wasn't even a whole Country aligned against us, that was just a small group of radicals. And we have punished a nation. You've brought us a decade of terror and bloodshed. It woke me up close to tears this morning, just thinking about it.

--God doesn't want you to claim your neighborhood, your town, your city, or your country, for Him.
Its already His. God just wants you. He wants your heart, He wants your soul, He wants your thoughts, - good and bad. He wants you willing and capable, and all He asks of you is to show love. Show love for those who dont like you. Show love to the idiots that surround you. Show love to the fags, the murderers, the retards and the races you hate, you bigoted, self-righteous idiots.
And while you're at it... remember...
Dont judge. Dont judge them, as any of those things. Its not your place, Its Gods. Humble yourselves in the face of God - who dwells in the heart of every person on this earth. Every time you look at somebody, *anybody* and think of them as an idiot, a cheat, a liar, a bigot, a racist... you are judging them. And you will fall by that same judgment.

--Every country in this world, as its established itself, has put forth thier own religion as truth. And for a while, its spread, and caught on, and then has been extinguished... for the most part. What makes you think America is any different? Evolution has its own Creation theory, just as violent and radical as any. It has its own Flood story, just like every culture out there. The fact that there is no god at all, is its only unique selling point, so of course it would catch on. But honestly, people - if you want to live in a world with religious freedom... then we have to allow both ideas, to survive.
The only thing that is sure is that both the God of the Jews, and that old world paganism, will both survive. They always have.

--Its been a decade of Lord of the Rings, and of Pirates of the Caribbean. 10 years of Harry Potter and Saw. Our music has once again become the playground of glitter and fantasy, as our reality has grown uglier and uglier. We have decided that we like our men dirty, (Strider) drunk, (Captn. Jack) and capable of ripping peoples heads off (Wolverine). We have decided that we like our boys pretty, (Orlando Bloom)Magical, (Harry Potter) and able to carry a tune (High School Musical). In fact, the return of the musical alone marks an interesting turn in the last decade. The point is, that as our music and our entertainment is always the platform for popular culture to express itself, as however guided by the men behind the scenes... one truth has become inherent in it all...

2000 - 2010, was an ugly, dirty cesspool, and we all really need a good bath and want to emerge into a brighter, more hopeful future.

Its a good thing then, that God doesnt want our land, because He has His own... and Hes making it beautiful for *us*. Man was made for eternity, for Heaven, and our hearts long for it. We will never be satisfied with what we have here and now. Its not possible.
But if you love... if you refuse to judge, and just love. You may find at least, your own 20 feet becoming a little more tolerable.
For 2010 - resolve to love.
Its certainly a radical idea.


Lynnie Ha said...

you make me smile, sister.

<3 you. :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!