Saturday, June 26, 2010

Afternoon Ridiculous....

Growing up in Northern BC, I became accustomed to bears.
We had Black Bears, Brown Bears, Kermodie Bears (a word that no spell check Ive ever met recognizes).  We knew that there were even Polar Bears, not that far away, and were famileir with the terms Grizzly, Kodiak, and Mad.
But no one ever questioned if they were bears.
No one was ever going to ask you "Are you *sure* it was a bear?"

Parks and WIldlife would come to your door, no matter what type of bear it was.  OK, They might laugh at you a little, if you were cowering inside over a black bear.  And yes, if you had a Kerodie, they would probably tell you just to sit back and enjoy the view while you had it, because they wernt going to come out and move it. 

Do you wonder though - Did the black bears ever feel less of a bear, because they were smaller.
Do Kodiaks make fun of other brown bears, for being less ferocious?
Does a Kermodie get  labeled as a "Punk" bear, just because its got a pink or green patch on it?

And even if they did... I dont think they would ever question wether or not it was a bear, just for the color of its fur.
A bear is a bear is a, white or brown.
Herbivore, Carnivore, or Omnivore....(depending on the season, usually)
Big and scary, or the size of a  Rottweiller on Vancouver Island...
Still - just a bear.

Why cant *we* be so smart, when it comes to people?

1 comment:

Starry said...

Very very good question.

Of course, my cat thinks she's probably a dog since she was basically raised by our departed labrador.

Not quite knowing what you are is a running theme around here...