Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let me explain something...

When you say you have a migraine, and then tell me how you drove your kids to school... I call bullshit.
This is why.

I woke up this morning at 4AM with the start of what I knew was going to be a VeryBad Day.

I took 4 ASA.  Extra strength.  Went back to bed.
Tossed and turned a bit, because it didnt matter where I sat my head, my eyes and head pounded hard enough to make me whimper.
I eventually fell asleep.
At 8 I wake up again, get the kids out of bed, get them milk.  Take 4 more ASA, and lay down on the couch with earplugs and sleep mask still intact.  By this time, my back is seizing.  The muscle spasms arent the worse ive had this week, but bad enough to contract my upper body a bit like a person in a bad exorcism movie.  Every move, makes my head feel like its going to explode.  I consider taking a hammer to it, or a vice, wondering if the "pressure" would make the pain go away.  In a moment of peace, I realize, that these things would more then likely kill me, rather then help.
Im proud of myself, I only scream twice, in two hours.
At 10, I get up and take two extra strength motrin, and lay back down.  I can lay still now, for the most part.  My legs still are restless, and my chest a bit tight.  But, the pain in my head has subsided enough for me to get the kids cheerios, fruit bars.  As I doze off to sleep though, Im still thanking God we dont have a gun, because honestly, shooting myself in the head, would be better then dealing with this.
By 11:45, the pain is returning, but I drag myself finally, to my computer anyways. This is, the fifth day now, of this intermittent bastard. I once again forsee no housework getting done.  I think Im going to try sleeping on the floor tonight, Im wondering if that mattress is just too soft for my body to relax on.

Ive taken two more ASA.
The nausea, isnt as bad as youd think, since I havent eaten anything.  Im honestly terrified to.  Even McDOnalds, hasnt really been helping.
Its the shooting back spasms, that get me - from hips to neck, its like being stabbed up, and under the muscles.  Which of course makes you thrash, which makes your head pound, which makes you want to lay still, which makes your body spasm.......
Most of the time, I just whimper.  You cant not be vocal. The pain is remarkable.

So to my sisters who claim migrianes - that come and go in 4 hours (mine last weeks), during which they can shop, go for coffee, work, or drive....
Those are "really bad headaches"
Migraines, leave you incapacitated, blind and deaf.  Migraines, leave you honestly thinking a hammer, - could *help* your situation, and not hurt it.
Migraines, are what I get.  When I dont answer the phone, when I dont go to the door, when I dont take the kids to school, when I dont get dressed, showered or come to the computer.

2 Days ago, I was seizing so bad, I almost called 911.
*That* is a migraine.

SO dont tell me to put on a helmet, because life is tough.
Dont tell me to deal with it.
Dont tell me "you should see the dr, because thats not normal"

Just - pray for me, and leave me the fuck alone.

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