Monday, December 13, 2010

Ive got this lunatic friend....

and I adore her.  But I need some advice.
Her facebook posts annoy me to such an extent, I could cry.  The only thing she ever posts about is to whine when Farmville is doing things she doesnt like. 
She has never messaged me, never so much as sent me a peep, or a poke.  Nary a comment or a bit of flair.
Over 40 people, have de-friended her recently.  I have no doubt as to why.  Still makes me feel bad for her, particularly since shes complained about not understanding why they are doing it.
Its my only way to contact her.  Shes my only family in the city.
Oh, I guess not all her posts are about Farmville.  She also uses it to complain bitterly about everything.
In fact - even in person, this woman complains about *everything* - never a positive comment, never a good word to be said.

Still - family.......

I want to defriend her.  I really do.

But I dont like burning bridges you may need later on.
little help, please?


Lynnie Ha said...

love suffers long.

decide if you are going to covenant to have relationship with her, like God covenanted with His people, ...or not. and stick to it.

love suffers long.

if its abuse, that's different. but annoying? i have a lot of annoying friends lol. when i see their posts, i cringe, grit my teeth, and determine to love them even so... and not let my love be conditional.

btw you are NOT one of my annoying friends. just so ya know. :)


Angelia Sparrow said...

You can block seeing the Farmville updates at least. Constant complaining... that is your call.

Giving yourself permission to love conditionally is part of being an adult. I've done it with quite a few people over the years, including my younger sister.