Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am -

without question, the queen of the bargain shoppers...

Designer fur pillows - regularly 245$... thats right, Two hundred and fortyfive dollers...

I got two of them, for 20$.
Thats 10 dollers each, my dear friends.

Beat *that*!.

and would someone please shut up the muses in my head who keep reminding me that no matter how I decorate my house, my daddy *still* was not Misha?


Apryl said...

Sorry hun but we have established I cannot shut up your muses besides it would get very quiet then. lol

Angelia Sparrow said...

I can beat it.

a $200 jade necklace, strung on silk. I paid $1.

As for shutting up the muses? no, sorry