Friday, September 26, 2008


That is what Ive named my Ipod. A pretty blue nano that holds 2000 songs. Its most of my collection, and at least everything that I would actually listen to out of it. The great thing is, that it can hold mine and Tiggers music, and give playlists for each of us, so with a decent system, its basically a home stereo - finally.

I am patheticallly, and totally adoring of it.


Anonymous said...

I told myself I'd never buy another iPod again because if its incompatibility with subscription services, but they had to go and make them in colors now to tempt me.

Yellow. Orange. Pink. Purple.

Unfair! You bastards! *whimper*

Creatorschilde said...

the purple isnt really a purple though, its more an indigo - I was disappointed, hence the blue. Tigger wants the orange... I adored the black, and the pink though.

Anonymous said...

If the purple isn't true purple, then it's probably a tossup between yellow and orange for me then. The pink looks neon. I like a more pastel shade of that.

Creatorschilde said...

Id favor the yellow, personally - its bright without being obnoxious.