Jade decided Dexter needed a necklace.
It just happens to be a diaper genie refill.
These are simply to prove that he *is* the most adorable little boy ever.
The pink was a few days ago, the white is today.
Today, she decided she was camera shy, and was running away from the camera - no idea why. Shes never done it before.
And now a short story. Every day, I put on a movie, and go up to have my shower. It takes me about 15 minutes, which is about how long I trust my children to be on their own, surrounded by toys and entertainment, without killing each other, or my property. Most days, it works.
Usually, when I go up for siad shower, my living room floor is covered with toys, blankets and cheerios. Its before thier afternoon nap, and so I havent bothered sweeping or cleaning yet. It just - makes it easier if I do it closer to when the TIgger comes home, because than it resembles sanity for him.
So, the one day, I go up, and while Im dresing, I can hear them fighting. Nothing serious, no death defying cries, just some general complaining.
I come downstairs, to find the following....
perfectly clean around my computer area.
perfectly clean around the play/tv area....
every single toy and blanket piled up on my couch - not a cheerio in sight - Im *hoping* they ate them all.....
Please note - the pillow and the blanket are almost in perfect position for a nap - Im thinking the toy baby carrier fell down...
and as you can see from the pictures - they are *obviously* very proud of themselves for cleaning up...
Im just wondering why they couldnt have put them in the toy "box" behind Jade in the first pic... except maybe thy think they look *better* on top of the couch?
Im not too sure.
but I was proud of them anyways.
1 comment:
(and this is a hopefull aunty and well I am going to believe this no matter what because it picks me up but maybe she was missing her auntie enough that if it was not her auntie with the big black nose she did not want to be in a picture!!! LOL YA RIGHT but I can dream!)
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