Saturday, March 6, 2010

Things I learned today -

1) People who get motion sick, should not go and see 3D movies.

2) Today's 3D - is *not* like the old 3D.

3) If you have "just a mild headache" going and seeing a 3D movie will bring on the most amazing migraine ever.

4) Massive amounts of suger do not help a migraine. And puking them up - even less fun.

5) Tim Burton can do *anything*. He has made musicals, kids movies, horrors, and even - inspirational "girls" movies.

6) Jonny Depp can do *anything*. He can even manage to makean asexual, mentally challenged, teetotaler with anger management issues seem not only charming and likable, but even *datable*.

7)Alan Rickman makes you want to trust *anybody* - of anything, with your life. From sociopathic murderer, to a blue caterpillar.

8) If life were a movie, I would be the villain. I need to quit whining about this, and embrace the innate ability to be eccentric, charming, and utterly fascinating. Its not a mask, nor is it a defense mechanism. Its simply what I am.

Dont hate me because I seem to be evil.

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