Saturday, July 17, 2010

Not to bury the last post....

but - this probably deserves its own.

What do you do when the truth as evidence, points to two possible, and very different outcomes?

Truth - The flood happened.
Truth - all cultures, are related.
Truth - all religions, all faiths, hold some basic underlying principles, that are undeniably interconnected.

So - either there is *one* truth, and just many interpretations and facets of that truth.
all truths are equally valid. 

One of those options follows the concept of scripture.
One follows the ideas that scripture says are of the anti-christ, and how he will bring the whole world together for seven years of peace, before all hell quite literally breaks out.

Seven years of peace, is no small feat.  The world is such a mess, I can see why people will flock. 
But the more I study, and research.  The more I learn about history, the more I see the inherent danger, even in my own writings.

The question is - do I continue?
How much do I want to know.

You know, Ive prayed for wisdom, all my life.  I was just a child, not even a real beleiver, the first time I heard the story of Solomon, and realized that with enough wisdom, - everything else just follows.  Honestly, I was reading a book and I was about 7 or 8, and it talked about how Solomon asked God for wisdom, instead of money, or power, and  God gave him all the money, and all the power, *because* he asked for wisdom.  And I got that.  I mean I *really* got that.
But asking God for wisdom, means He has to put you through alot a shit.  The rest of us, arent in Solomons position.  We actually have to *learn* it. So life sucks, but you learn.

Ive poured ten years of my life into a story that upholds truth.
But that doesnt mean that people who read it will see the truth that I want them to see.
It doesnt matter how plainly its written, how obvious I think it is.

For Example.  Zeus, Hades, and Posidon.
three brothers.  the sons of Kronos, time.
Hades is cursed and thrown into hell to run it.
Posidon is given the sea to rule - this is important, if you understand the allusions.
Zeus, gets the earth.

Three brothers... the Sons of Noah.
Ham is cursed.  Sent off on his own.
Shem, is told that his "greater" brother - Japeth, will dwell in *his* Tents forever.  also - Father of the Jewish races.
Japeth, will rule over everything.

Now, if God just crushed the world in a great big flood....... and Shem/Posidon is the father of - water/Jews....

Now, you can say Im reaching for parallels that arent there.  You can roll your eyes at me all you want.
But again, we are back to the chicken and the egg argument. 

God says a bunch of things happen, and they happen.
Did it happen because he wrote it would happen, or did someone write it because it happened?
God cursed Hams whole race, and his "children" have pretty much gotten the shitty end of the stick ever since.
Did that happen because he was cursed, or did Moishe just read the writing on the wall, and say - yeah, theyre fucked... and write it?
Does it even matter?

If I do write this, and get this published, will people point to it and say "See - it doesnt matter, its alll the same"  or will people look at it, and say "Wow, it all points to the same singular source....."
I dont know
And that really, really, *really* bothers me.


Angelia Sparrow said...

Or there is fact and there is truth. Truth being the interpretation of facts that serves your needs/agenda/beliefs/etc, or most conveniently serves the ends of those in power.

A friend of mine did tarot reading at a convention. The same cards kept coming up over and over and over. This is because 90% of the people there were dealing with the same kinds of problems.

This is the same thing.

Mythologies all tend to read alike because they were all created to explain the same questions: how did we get here, what is all this stuff around us and what do we do now?

This is why everyone has a flood, because of the tales passed down from prehistoric times and finally written in the bronze age. Of course, they all have different ideas on who survived it: a couple and their kids, a brother & sister, a man and his dog, a couple too old for children or nobody at all.

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