Sunday, May 31, 2009
written last night... Psi, about Ben.
And what I need, will never be taken from me
I do not want him. Not any more than I want ... water.. or oxygen.
He is - like those things, to me
Wether I want or not, no matter.
I must have to survive"
now *that* - is what love should feel like.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
My American Idol Rant.
Let me start with this. American Idol, will *NEVER* actually crown a truly talented, amazing artist. Its impossible.
Dont get me wrong, the new Pocket Idol King is adorable, talented, and - yes, amazing.
But... but.... just. But.
It comes down to this. True, real talent alienates people. Its why we have genres, Its why we have cliques. Its why we have the term "hidden diamonds". It inspires people to truly *worship* their idols. And unfortunately, that means that "popular vote" is the distinct and absolute antithesis of the raw, primal power that comes with a true "idol".
Chris Allan managed to take genre songs, and make them - palatable to the masses. That in and of itself takes great talent - probably greatly *underestimated* talent. But Adam Lambert took a widely popular song, and turned it into a genre specific masterpiece (Ring of Fire).
Adam Lambert, by definition, is an idol - he invokes great passionate hate, or love in people.
Kris Allan, by definition, just isnt.
This, in many ways, is also why the concept of Democracy fails.
By depending on popular vote, you are only going to appeal to a certain type of person to start with. And than, to have a platform that appeals to enough people, you cannot incite real passion in people, because if you do, you will separate yourself too much from the norm.
But, I suppose - Kris Allan is certainly a "safe" god to worship. A generic, white bread god with no real power over hearts or minds. That will allow you to continue your merry way with a bit more spring in your step.
Just like the "God" of America, really.
A real Idol? A true "God"? once again, I go back to my ever favorite, CS Lewis, in chronicles of Narnia.
"Safe? Of course He's not safe! But He's *good*.
All Hail the top 4 who *didnt win*
For those who are not generic enough to win the full vote.
Danny Gokey, who inspired me to new levels of distaste and distrust.
Allison Iraheta, who actually made me *want* to like her.
Matt Giraud, who is probably just deeply enough niche'd into genre to have staying power in today's culture.
And yes, All hail Adam Lambert, who inspired enough passion in the people to keep him there, but wasnt generic enough to win.
I'll be waiting on that album.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ahhh - the days of our lives....
Little girl, looking at her brother saying "stinky" over and over and over.
Little boy, stealing his sisters yogurt, and than dripping it all over the floor because he still hasnt *quite* conquered the art of 1) holding something upright, and 2) getting spoon to mouth without tipping it. So, theres more yogurt on the floor, and on him, than is getting to his mouth, but he looks *so* proud of himself....
Little girl, hitting her brother repeatedly on his head with an empty pop bottle.
Little boy, just standing there, smiling, taking it.
Worlds most expensive entertainment system - yes.
But oh so very worth it.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Blog as someone else day.....
OK, this whole poop thing - I dont like it. At all. Totally inconvenient, and messy. I dont like messy. I like things where I want them, and mama takes things away from where I want them when theres poop involved.
And dont get me started on water. Whats the deal here? Everywhere I go theres water, and yeah, its fun but... being wet - not fun. Being wet and cold? Not fun. Having water poured on you? not fun. Mamas insane, I *know* it, because she does it *every*day*.
What does "seriously" mean and why does daddy laugh so hard when I say it?
Is there any way I could convince mama just to dump my cheerios in chcocolate and let me live on that? I mean, the oatmeals ok, and the yogurt - oh right.. yogurt... umm yeah, cheerios in chocolate and yogurt...
But the fruit cups? ugh.
Little brother - I want to feed you something.....
Why is it, when he kicks me, its funny, but when I kick him, he cries?
Pizza.. Id have to keep pizza.
and I want it all outside. Dont like inside. Even the wet outside is different. I say, we all just live outside from now on. Much better.
Me and pliglet, and beeca, and Dade.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Since it has been requested
1. 101 Dalmations (cartoon)
2. 101 Dalmations (live)
3. A Bugs Life
4. Alvin and the Chipmunks
5. Aladdin
6. Anastasia
7. Aristocats
8. Baby Bach
9. Baby Beethoven
10. Baby Da Vinci
11. Baby Mozart
12. Babies Favorite Places
13. Baby Wordsworth
14. Baby’s Neighborhood Animals
15. Baby Neptune
16. Baby Noah
17. Baby Numbers
18. Baby On the Go
19. Baby Van Gogh
20. Baby Shakespeare
21. Baby Shapes
22. Beauty and the Beast
23. Bob The Builder
24. Bolt
25. Cars
26. Dr. Dolittle
27. Dumbo
28. Finding Nemo
29. Flushed Away
30. Freaky Friday
31. The Golden Compass
32. The Goofy Movie
33. Happy Feet
34. Hook
35. Ice Age
36. Ice Age 2
37. Igor
38. Jungle Book
39. Kung-fu Panda
40. Lady and the Tramp
41. Labyrinth
42. The Lion King
43. The Little Mermaid
44. Madagascar 2
45. Monsters Inc.
46. Mulan
47. Narnia
48. Narnia Prince Caspian
49. Night at the Museum
50. Over the Hedge
51. The Prince of Egypt
52. The Princess Bride
53. Ratatuoie
54. Shrek
55. Shrek 2
56. Shrek the Third
57. Shrek the Halls
58. Sleeping Beauty
59. Spiderwick Chronicles
60. Tinkerbell
61. Treasure Planet
62. Veggietales- Larry-boy and the Rumour Weed
63. Veggietales – Josh and the Great Big Wall
64. Veggietales – Rack, Shack and Benny
65. Veggietales- Ether: The Girl who became Queen
66. Veggietales – Sumo of the Opera
67. Veggietales – King George and the Duckie
68. Veggietales – The Ballad of Little Joe
69. Veggietales- Lord of the Beans
70. Veggietales – Gideon: Tuba Warrior
71. Veggie Tales Sing Along- I can be your friend
72. Veggietales Sing Along – Dance of the Cucumber
73. Veggie Tales – Minnisota Cuke and the Search for Samsons Hairbrush
74. Veggietales- Big River Rescue
75. Veggietales – Sheerluck Holmes and the case of the Golden Ruler
76. Veggietales- The Wizard of Has
77. Veggietales – Lyle the Friendly Viking
78. Veggitales Movie – Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything
79. Veggietales Movie – Jonah and the Whale
80. Wall-E
81. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
TV Series...
1. 24- Season 1
2. 24- Season 2
3. 24- Season 3
4. 24- Season 4
5. Angel – Season 1
6. Angel – Season 2
7. Angel – Season 3
8. Angel – Season 4
9. Angel – Season5
10. Bones - Season 1
11. Bones - Season 2
12. Bones – Season 3
13. Buffy- Season 1
14. Buffy- Season 2
15. Buffy- Season 3
16. Buffy- Season 4
17. Buffy- Season 5
18. Buffy- Season 6
19. CSI- Season 1
20. CSI- Season 2
21. CSI- Season 3
22. CSI- Season 4
23. CSI- Season 5
24. CSI- Season 6
25. CSI- Season 7
26. Desperate Housewives - Season 1
27. Desperate Housewives - Season 2
28. Desperate Housewives-Season 3
29. Desperate Housewives – Season 4
30. Firefly
31. Frasier - Season 1
32. Frasier - Season 2
33. Frasier - Season 3
34. Frasier - Season 5
35. Frasier – Season 6
36. Frasier – Season7
37. Frasier – Season 8
38. Frasier – Season9
39. Frasier – Season 10
40. Frasier – Season 11
41. Grey’s Anatomy- Season 1
42. Grey’s Anatomy- Season 2
43. Grey’s Anatomy- Season 3
44. Grey’s Anatomy – Season 4
45. Highlander- Season 1
46. Highlander- Season 2
47. Highlander- Season 3
48. Highlander- Season 4
49. Highlander - Season 5
50. Highlander the Raven
51. MacGyver – Season 1
52. Miami Vice- Season 1
53. Miami Vice- Season 2
54. Miami Vice – Season 3
55. Miami Vice – Season 4
56. Numbers – Season 1
57. Supernatural- Season 1
58. Supernatural- Season 2
59. Supernatural – Season 3
60. Veronica Mars – Season 1
61. Veronica Mars – Season2
62. Veronica Mars – Season3
63. X-Files Season 1
64. X-Files- Season 2
65. X-Files- Season 3
66. X-Files- Season 4
67. X-Files- Season 5
68. X-Files- Season 6
69. X-Files – Season 7
70. X-Files- Season 8
71. X-Files- Season 9
and movies....
1. 2 Fast 2 Furious
2. 8 Seconds
3. 10 Things I Hate About You
4. A Chorus Line
5. American Sweethearts
6. Antitrust
7. Arachniphobia
8. Armageddon
9. Art of Trials
10. August Rush
11. Australia
12. Bad Boys
13. Bad Boys 2
14. Basic Yoga for Dummies
15. Batman Begins
16. Batman The Dark Knight
17. Batman Forever
18. Benny and Joon
19. The Big Hit
20. Blade
21. Blade 3
22. Bourne Identity
23. Bourne Conspiracy
24. Bourne Supremacy
25. Bowling for Columbine
26. Braveheart
27. Bride Wars
28. Bringing Out the Dead
29. Brothers Grim
30. Bruce Almighty
31. The Bucket List
32. Casablanca
33. Casanova
34. Casino Royale
35. Chocolat
36. Chronicles of Riddick
37. Constantine
38. Cool Hand Luke
39. Crank
40. The Crow
41. The Devil Wears Prada
42. Death Race
43. Die Hard
44. Die Harder
45. Die Hard with a Vengeance
46. Die Hard or Live Free
47. Dirty Dancing
48. Dracula
49. Earthed
50. Eight Legged Freaks
51. Elizabeth
52. Elizabeth The Golden Years
53. Elizabethtown
54. Ever After
55. Evolution
56. Face Off
57. Fast and Furious
58. Ferris Beuller’s Day Off
59. Fifth Element
60. Finding Neverland
61. Flatliners
62. Fried Green Tomatoes
63. From Hell
64. Gladiator
65. The Golden Compass
66. Gone in 60 Seconds
67. Graffiti Bridge
68. Grease
69. The Green Mile
70. Gremlins
71. Hackers
72. Hairspray
73. Hamlet
74. Hancock
75. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
76. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
77. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
78. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
79. Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
80. Hitch
81. The Hulk
82. The Imposters
83. The Incredible Hulk
84. Independence Day
85. Indiana Jones
86. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
87. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
88. Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
89. Interview with the Vampire
90. I Robot
91. Italian Job
92. Ironman
93. Jurassic Park
94. Jurassic Park: The Lost World
95. Jurassic Park:3
96. Kingdom of Heaven
97. King Kong
98. A Knights Tale
99. Lake Placid
100. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
101. The Legend of Zorro
102. Lethal Weapon 1
103. Lethal Weapon 2
104. Lethal Weapon 3
105. Lethal Weapon 4
106. Liar Liar
107. Life as a House
108. Lifted
109. Lord of the Rings- Fellowship of the Ring
110. Lord of the Rings- The Two Towers
111. Lord of the Rings- Return of the King
112. Lord of the Rings- Fellowship of the Ring (extended)
113. Lord of the Rings- The Two Towers (extended)
114. Lord of the Rings- Return of the King (Extended)
115. Lost Boys
116. Luther
117. Mama Mia
118. Matrix
119. Maverick
120. M.I.B.
121. The Mexican
122. Memoirs of a Geisha
123. Miami Vice
124. A Midsummer’s Night Dream
125. Moulin Rouge
126. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
127. The Mummy
128. The Mummy Returns
129. The Musketeer
130. National Treasure
131. National Treasure 2
132. The Nativity Story
133. One Night at McCools
134. Notting Hill
135. Oceans 11
136. Oceans 12
137. Oceans 13
138. Office Space
139. Once Upon a Time in Mexico
140. The Other Boleyn Girl
141. The Passion
142. The Pianist
143. Phantom of the Opera
144. Pitch Black
145. Pilates- Intermediate
146. Pilates for Beginners
147. Pirates of the Caribbean – Curse of the Black Pearl
148. Pirates of the Caribbean- Dead Mans Chest
149. Pirates of the Caribbean – At Worlds End
150. Pride and Prejudice
151. The Punisher
152. The Queen
153. Queen of the Damned
154. Quantum of Solace
155. Ray
156. Rent
157. The Rock
158. Rumour has it
159. Rush Hour
160. The Saint
161. Serenity
162. Shawshank Redemption
163. The Simpsons Movie
164. Singing in the Rain
165. Snake Eyes
166. Someone Like You
167. Speed
168. Spiderman 1
169. Spiderman 2
170. Spiderman 3
171. Spaceballs
172. Stargate
173. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
174. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
175. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
176. Star Wars- A New Hope (VHS- Original Cut)
177. Star Wars- The Empire Strikes Back (VHS- Original Cut)
178. Star Wars- Return of the Jedi (VHS-Original Cut)
179. Star Wars- A New Hope
180. Star Wars- The Empire Strikes Back
181. Star Wars- Return of the Jedi
182. Step Up
183. Sweeny Todd
184. Superman Returns
185. Take the Lead
186. Terminator 2: Rise of the Machines
187. The Three Musketeers
188. Three to Tango
189. Transformers
190. The Transporter
191. Transporter 2
192. Twister
193. Uncle Buck
194. Underworld
195. Van Helsing
196. V for Vendetta
197. Waiting
198. Walk the line
199. A Walk in the Clouds
200. Wanted
201. What Women Want
202. White Christmas
203. With Honors
204. X-Men
205. X-Men United
206. X-Men- The Last Stand
207. xXx
yes, I am aware, its alot.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Welcome to my mind...
Depending on who they are, and whos mind they are in, they see things differently. Ive noticed that one tends to see objects, more than people. Some peoples minds are cluttered, some are clean.
Thinking about this from a realistic veiwpoint, I think a persons mind could look different from day to day. Same with the self image projection that one Mind Walker perfers to work with.
So - whats in my mind?
A large, greek/italian styled mansion, of course. Many rooms, filled with delicate articles from various locations all around the world. Behind the manse, there is a large grassy field, with a huge mountain vista. There is a stream that runs through this, fresh, living water, and to the left, there is a graveyard. Currently, there are about 5 open plots there, waiting to be filled. (Grandpa Trehearne, Grandma and Grandpa Morrison, Grandma Romeo, and one for a woman Ive never met, but my heart is breaking for.)
There are my muses, of course... They inhabit the rooms, each in their own little realms. There is a courtyard down below, with fountains and brick paths.
And there is my own little room, where Jack Sparrow like, you will find the many mental versions of myself.
The room is small, much like a bachelors apartment. There is a bedroll on the floor, rolled up during the day. There is a bible, and a laptop, an Ipod, and some candles.
The kitchen is mostly bare. Some rice, some chicken, some salad.
You dont need much to make these things.
The main image of myself is not a flattering one. She wears turquoise jeans that do not fit her well, and a white blouse. She is at least 80 pounds overweight. She has bad skin, and a horrible perm.
SHe cries, alot.
There is another. She has black bobbed hair and is pale. SHe is smaller than I am in build, and well muscled. Lean and hungry in look. SHe favors black leather trimmed in fur - not so much dramatic as functional for living mostly out of doors in the wilds. Sometimes, she has fangs, and sometimes she doesnt. Shes restless in the room, pacing like a caged animal.
Another has long grey hair and a soft expression. Usually in long dark skirts and a brightly coloured top, shes slim and graceful and quiet. She prays a great deal. She studies her scriptures and sings. She is most at home in this small space. With her is an ancient scent of incense and the feeling that - shes at peace.
Lastly, there is one that - morphs. She is - the working model? She flits between business suits and a professional look to jeans and sweatshirts with her hair a bit frizzy. She envies the two others and hates the crying girl in the corner. She is not happy wit the room, but doesnt know how to make it fit everything she has/needs now.
In one hand, she carries a living flame, in the other, a small shard of ice.
All versions, I realized this morning, wear rings.
The far left is the plain gold band. Sometimes its tarnished, sometimes its even missing, but the imprint of it is always there.
Next is a pearl ring. Two pearls, one white, one black. Sometimes, they change place, occasionally, they are both black, or both white. Sometimes, it looks like its about to just fall apart entirely.
Than is a large, platinum family ring. The stone colors change in it from day to day, pretty much. Sometimes there are two rows of stones, and sometimes, there is only one. Its very fluid.
There are two rings on the last finger. One is gold with rubies and amethysts. This ring is very often missing, and even more often, appears broken. There is the white gold and diamond ring under it. Its new, and shiny, and always there. Only the crying girl doesnt wear it.
There are seagulls, you can hear them especially in the morning. All rooms have an ocean view.
Almost every room has an elephant of some nature in it. Almost every room has some kind of theme.
There are details... a wall that has old army medals on it. An old styled court room with a high dias. It looks a great deal like a church. There is a black sombrero with silver and white trim hanging over a fern in one corner of the manse somewhere. No one likes it, but no one ever takes it down, either.
The grave yard is cold and dark, and usually rainy. The field out back is filled with firebrush and wild raspberries. There's a Saskatoon tree growing in one corner, and weeping willows by the stream.
Theres a forest at the edge of the field where dark things move. Its clear of undergrowth and has wild animals in it, but often grows silent with a menace not heard. The ground is rich brown and dark green moss - almost inviting you to sleep there.
This is my mind. these are how I see my memories.
This is how I see my world.
Edit -
Psychologically speaking, Yes - this is a very healthy mindrealm. The Id and Super-ego both in balance, both clearly represented. A very accurate picture of my current state, and all the negative self aspects tossed back on a caricature that I recognize not so much as what I am, but what I have been.
The world surrounding myself is more or less a pleasant one with wide open bright spaces and nods to both the carnal, and the spiritual.
The only thing that I see was missing was the male counterpart. I believe that there *is* one of those in that little room. He keeps his hair cut short (but not shaved) and looks - pretty - which makes sense. As a female, my own visual appearance is stern and unforgiving, but I am aware that I would indeed make a *very* pretty boy. *smirks*.
When he is present, I believe he sits in the corner opposite the crying girl. I think he is probably crueler to her than any of the others. Which yes, I am aware speaks to how I view men in general.
He is built quite alot like the "id", which is also probably quite healthy and favors the leather/denim combos. Its in him that I think dwells my anger and rage. That is probably most symptomatic of my mental - unhealthfulness?
The female "id" is not angry, she is just - restless.
I suppose, if I was to to place a male "super-ego" counterpart, it would actually be my muse, Max. Again, with the anger and the rage, although very closely controlled. A huge, intimidating male who follows the Law to the letter. I suppose that a great deal of my perfectionism is drawn from him.
I dont relate well to that image though. I am "closer" to the id, when going down the Freudian road of self-investigation.
Over all - I would say that mentally I really am shockingly healthy and balanced. I am *very* self aware and have little trouble expressing myself. I dont like change, and resist tying myself down. Neither id nor super-ego are the kind of people to collect or even care about "things". Their worlds are very similar, although their approaches to them are miles apart.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
help - anybody?
The last three times Ive tried to eat meat, Ive gotten violently ill. Usually once it hits about mid intestine trac, so all I do is burp up this horrible *taste* and have the most noxious gas in the world.
So far, Ive tried beef, hamburger (by far the worst), and prawns. White fish (basa) which I love beyond all reason, I couldnt even chew. It just tasted *wrong*. So three times now, Ive had to sleep all day, drugged up on gravol just so I dont spend all day puking my guts out.
Is this what happened to you? Or has anyone else out there experienced something like this?
blech, and blech again.
In less dire, interesting news - I am angry at all three webcomics I read currently. Cathy having her inlaws suddenly move in with her is the stupidest thing *ever*. Retail has gone and done something I dont get at all, And in Least I Could do - welllll ok, maybe its just Rayne having another one of his little psychotic breaks with reality, but - I dontgetit!
and Im beginning to think I was right in the first place - I should hve let them go evil, just so we'd *have* bad guys. Because right now, all we have is an out of control cupid and his son, and no matter *how* utterly amusing the results of that are.... its certianly not something we can turn into a mainstream marketing ploy.... no matter how badly I may want to... *giggles madly*
That vid post was intirely revenge, wasnt it?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
All been done before....
Finally found the love child of David Bowie and Robert Plant.
The whole world can say the boy is gay, but I think he's smarter than that, and simply playing angles - to this day, no one knows if Bowie is or sint, and I think just a healthy love of sensuality over all suits both men more. Its just our silly culture that so obsessed with *sex* .... blah. Why cant someone just enjoy being around pretty people and be left alone for it?
He bounces between Ziggy Stardust, Robert Plant and a healthy dose of Elvis so easily you could get dizzy, and if he ever picks up an instrument god help us all because he'll start adding Prince into that equation.
If the kid can keep his head, he'll be a legend.
Otherwise, its just going to be a blinding flash in the pan.
The one thing that worries me?
The hotter it burns, the shorter it lasts.
Friday, May 1, 2009
I liked this... *giggles*
Your result for The Presidential Capacity Test...
Chief Legal Strategist
32% Values, 74% Charisma and 88% Judgment!
"In recent years, anyone in the government, certainly anyone in the FBI or the CIA ... the main bad guy is the chief advisor to the president." - Charlton Heston
You're a bit too slimy. Some call you the puppet-master - the Presidential Adviser pulling the strings. Let's be honest - you've got the charisma and the judgement; you've just got a few too many skeletons in the closet to sit in the Presidential highchair.
The public doesn't trust you, and probably rightly so. You're better suited behind the curtain, calling the important shots and spinning out perfectly-worded press releases. Many consider you to be the bad guy and certainly popular culture has painted you that way, but someone needs to make the decisions no-one else can. Keep pulling those strings.
Other possibilities: