Wednesday, May 6, 2009

All been done before....

but damn - its still pretty.

Finally found the love child of David Bowie and Robert Plant.
The whole world can say the boy is gay, but I think he's smarter than that, and simply playing angles - to this day, no one knows if Bowie is or sint, and I think just a healthy love of sensuality over all suits both men more. Its just our silly culture that so obsessed with *sex* .... blah. Why cant someone just enjoy being around pretty people and be left alone for it?

He bounces between Ziggy Stardust, Robert Plant and a healthy dose of Elvis so easily you could get dizzy, and if he ever picks up an instrument god help us all because he'll start adding Prince into that equation.

If the kid can keep his head, he'll be a legend.
Otherwise, its just going to be a blinding flash in the pan.

The one thing that worries me?
The hotter it burns, the shorter it lasts.

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