Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ahhh - the days of our lives....

Little boy wonders up to me, wearing daddies (thankfully clean) underwear on his head.

Little girl, looking at her brother saying "stinky" over and over and over.

Little boy, stealing his sisters yogurt, and than dripping it all over the floor because he still hasnt *quite* conquered the art of 1) holding something upright, and 2) getting spoon to mouth without tipping it. So, theres more yogurt on the floor, and on him, than is getting to his mouth, but he looks *so* proud of himself....

Little girl, hitting her brother repeatedly on his head with an empty pop bottle.
Little boy, just standing there, smiling, taking it.

Worlds most expensive entertainment system - yes.
But oh so very worth it.


Apryl said...

All I am doing is smiling... remeber the days where you said you would never have kids.... I am so glad you changed your tone!!! lol

Creatorschilde said...

I *didnt* "change my tone" Apryl - I got ambushed by God. totally different thing.

Lynnie Ha said...

yah, that's a fine way to excuse a change of heart!!! :P ppffftttt

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I think you got bingo there. :p
