Dragonlance (the cartoon) - Well.. the best thing I can say is that they did get some of my faverate lines right? *apologetic shrug* Michelle Trachenburg, Lucy Lawless, Keifer Sutherland all do voices, too bad they couldnt save the horrid animation and lack of story telling abilities. Oh it was a sad, sad, sad time on Kyrnn, let me tell you.
Becoming Jane - rent Pride and predjudice instead, its almost the same movie, only this one is supposed to be loosely based on fact.
Enchanted - and so I was - great, cute, funny, witty. This one, Ill own.
Into the WIld - SO very very sad. Based on a true life story and pimped heavily by Oprah, I thought Id give it a shot. It frustrated me and made me cry, but it was *good*.
I am Legend - The requisite Will SMith Summer Blockbuster. You would think we would all be tired of seeing Will SMith save the world by now, but - no - he manages to pull it off yet again. THis time though I kept looking for Oded and the other chick from... damn, Ive forgotten, Resident Evil, yeah... to show up. This was totally a Resident Evil film. Just with better plot, and WIll SMith. But still Resident Evil.
30 Days of Night - heralded as the best Vampire movie since...oh, that other halfways decent one, well - they were right. Now that they have that out of thier systems, who cant wait to see the Lost Boys sequel coming out this summer?
and for the other stuff....
1 comment:
I've only seen Enchanted and totally agree.
And the Jade pics are too cute.
Kiki looks so goofy in that first one.
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