Friday, October 15, 2010

blahblahrant - part 2

oh - hey there - you're back
and wondering what you do now?

Well  - theres the usual options - you could join a church - but I dont recommend it.  At least not yet.
You could go around annoying your neighbors, and family...
You could even give away all your possessions to the poor - ok, no,not that - not even homeless shelters will take *those*...just - hold on to it, for now...
ok, where were we?
oh yes

Public Confession of Faith.

Yes, Im sorry, you have to - eventually.
Well - no, you dont.  You can go along nice and quiet the rest of your life, and then when you get to Heaven, Gods going to look at you and go "oh, sorry - do I know you?  Yes, yes - I saw you a few times... I think? Hard to remember - you always said you didnt know me...."

really, it only needs to be one person you know, if you are shy about it.  I get it - even God understands it.  Thats probably why he had so many people write about it, - old and new testament... Its important.  God has this thing about accountability.  Bizarre, I know, but he likes a bit of integrity in His people.  Its that first step of becoming, well - more like Him.  Or more like yourself - depending on how you look at it. 

You're looking at me weird again, but just ignore that last comment - if you dont get it, you will - later.

SO find someone you trust, and yak.  These days, I dont think it matters if its in person, or online - as long as its someone who *counts*.  And you know what I mean by that... you cant just wonder into a random chat room full of idiots youve never spoken to and announce you are a Christian.

If you can get past *that* step - then yes, Hell is going to take a little more interest.  But so is God.
you poor, poor stupid, fool.

No, Im *not* mocking you.
Im commiserating.
Because there are stupider choices to come... trust me, Ive made most of them.


Angelia Sparrow said...

Given what happens when that particular god takes an interest in me, I'm giving him as little mental house room as possible.

My confession of faith: we are all part of the universe. We are energy made material for a little while by way of E=mc^2. Which means there's a lot of energy invested in each of us and if we press on our corner of reality right, we can affect the whole.

Gods are the constructs we make to understand the universe (powered by the energy we lend them), myths are the stories we tell ourselves about the way the world works. Both of these are vital and true, but should not be taken for fact.

Creatorschilde said...

forgive me, angel, but I have to disagree with you. Still love you, but absolutely, unconditionally, disagree with you.