Friday, September 25, 2009

Galatians 4

False teachers. Its an odd very Christians term...
Used car salesmen of the church. Ive met quite a few.
They usually do quite well.

They like to flatter people. they arent big though, on really getting to know their people, because if they did, than they may actually have to you know - get into their lives and rebuke them.
They have Country Club churches.
They drive *really* nice cars.

ANd they teach their people to be as fake as they are.
They meet someone who really is - honest - and they smile and nod and walk away *fast*. Because if they spend too much time with them, someone may find out. They might figure it out - all those little sins they are hiding.

So the honest person, left in their midst for too long, no longer has support against their own vices, and the corruption, like yeast, spreads throughout the whole church...

Its ugly, and disgusting.
Paul had seen the honesty, and than came back, and saw the falseness of it all, and was horrified. He knew the leaders were to be blamed, but also, the people who accepted it.
The individuals, who could have risen to greater heights, were just as guilty.
Because Christ is a *personal* God, not just a far away God of a whole Nation.

The laws and the rules that man put on man, within Israel.... There was no freedom, no love - just blind rule following hate.
All in the Name of the One they didnt really understand - to feel important (Christ was humbled and humiliated)
To have influence (He visited with whores and lepers)
To have a place in society (He got his taxes from a fishes mouth and had no home)

Galatians 4... summery?
People are idiots.

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