Friday, September 25, 2009

This wasnt what I planned to share today...

But days will never stop surprising you, if you let them.

From Gwendolyn MacEwan - A Poetic Introduction to the Collection "Breakfast with Barbarians"

being a more profound and sacramental
meal than supper, because after all
it's the first meal, its the pact
you make with yourself to see the
day through.

Of all the evidence - scientific, logic, and - everything, I have ever read, about the importance of breakfast...
*this* right here? THat makes more sense to me than any thing else.

A full preparations for your day, a ceremony, almost, of acceptance and - promise.
You fill yourself for your day, With the day.
Morning light.



Apryl said...

Looking at it that way is for sure an interesting way of seeing it.. hmmm up still will not make time to sit down and it it.. I am all about on the go with any breakfast I have..

maybe once school is done I will make more of an effort to do so.

Angelia Sparrow said...

Shredded wheat at 3:30 AM while checking e-mail.

Light? that happens around lunchtime.