Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Step 4

out of 101.

Keep in mind, that life will not stop, if you reach your goal weight. I will still have crabby babies, I will still have bad days.

And thats true.
Even more true, is that a thin body, isnt necessarily a good body.

But for me, I know - a thinner body *is* going to make me live longer, have more energy, less depression, and make me stronger.
Which makes the crabby babies more tolerable, the bad days fewer and further between and for me, Im not sure theres an option between thin and good.

SO theres a dash of truth there....

Except - except......
When you look good, you *feel* good too.
It can be the worst day in the world, but if you feel thin and fabulous and have on an outfit that you know you look great in?
Now, I know - you can have a fabu outfit at any weight. You can even be sexy, at any weight.

But I know for me - size 16 doesnt cut it.
It just - doesnt.

1 comment:

Angelia Sparrow said...

And here, size 16 is my GOAL. It's me at hot and curvy and thin.